Fast Load Commands

TENACITY:- Suppose Fastload is not able to obtain all the session required by it. In that case only two options are left. Either terminates the Fastload or retry to obtain all the sessions.TENACITY specifies the amount of time, in hours; Fastload will re try to obtain the sessions. The default for Fastload is “no tenacity”, meaning that it will not retry at all.

SLEEP:- Working in conjunction with TENACITY, the SLEEP command specifies the amount of time in minutes to wait before retrying to obtain all sessions.For example, suppose if TENACITY were set at 5 and SLEEP at 10, then Fastload would attempt to logon every 10 minutes for up to 5 hours. If there were no success by that time, all efforts to logon would cease.
ERRLIMIT:-Specifies the maximum number of rejected ROWS allowed in error table 1 (Phase I). 

SESSIONS:- This command specifies the number of FastLoad sessions to establish with Teradata. It is written in the script just before the logon. The default is 1 session per available AMP.

LOGOFF/QUIT Use the LOGOFF or QUIT command in a Teradata FastLoad batch job script or interactive session to terminate Teradata FastLoad normally on both network‑attached and mainframe‑attached client systems:

Teradata FastLoad logs off all sessions with the Teradata Database and returns a status message indicating:
  • The total processor time that was used.
  • The job start and stop date/time.
  • The highest return code that was encountered:
  • 0 if the job completed normally
  • 4 if a warning condition occurred
  • 8 if a user error occurred
  • 12 if a fatal error occurred
Whether the utility terminated or paused

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